NEW: Feith's RMA iQ is now available SaaS to Federal agencies, In-Process on the FedRAMP Marketplace!

A Recap of FACT 2023

As the final echoes of the Feith Annual Conference and Training (FACT) 2023 fade away, we are left with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and gratitude. The world-renowned Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, was the backdrop for two days of insightful presentations, collaborative panel discussions, and invaluable hands-on training sessions on May 17th and 18th. The Feith community gathered from all corners of the globe to share their experiences, discuss the latest industry trends, and participate in a learning journey centered on Feith Systems’ cutting-edge software and best practices. This year’s FACT 2023 event, the first to be held in person after several years of virtual conferences, was not only an opportunity to learn and network, but also a celebration of our resilience and shared passion for innovation.

Highlights from the conference

Feith Version 9.4 scales to enable AI Content Lake
The release of Feith 9.4 represents a significant advancement in harnessing the power of emerging Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. With the rapid growth of data, it has become crucial to effectively manage larger volumes of information. In response to this challenge, Feith has introduced next-level scalability in its 9.4 version. This means that users can now handle even greater amounts of data with ease, enabling them to unlock the full potential of AI and make more informed decisions.

Feith RMA iQ makes SMS/Chat RM as simple as Capstone for Email
The Feith platform now simplifies capstone record management for SMS and chat messages, ensuring secure storage, easy retrieval and compliance with new DOD regulations and NARA bulletin 2023-02.  It enables users to automatically capture, categorize, and tag messages, and shows them in an intuitive message-like interface.

Feith Platform harnesses AI to deliver rapid response to FOIA request
Deloitte showcased the benefits of their AI technology integrated with Feith’s future-proof FOIA platform. The collaboration streamlines the FOIA request process, automating tasks, categorizing requests, enhancing document redaction, and providing iterative learning capabilities. This partnership revolutionizes information management, improving efficiency, accuracy, and transparency in handling FOIA requests for government agencies and organizations.

Automate more record categorization with Fall-Through Categorizer
The Feith Platform’s categorization abilities are rapidly growing stronger. Autocategorizer reviews metadata and content, and now utilizes an improved fall-through categorizer. This enhanced categorization enables the platform to effectively organize a broad range of records from sources like unkempt shared drives, SharePoint, or OneDrive. It ensures comprehensive record classification and efficient management of vast amounts of data, empowering organizations with valuable tools for knowledge discovery.

Case Manager gets faster and more powerful with Version 2 release
Case Manager 2 has undergone a major overhaul, resulting in a faster, simpler data model that is easier to integrate. It consolidates discovery and case management in one place, standing out with its ability to handle a wide range of case types, from support tickets to complex investigations, insider threats, email compliance, and FOIA.

Dashboard iQ helps you get started with automatic graph generation
A notable enhancement to Feith’s Dashboard iQ is the introduction of automatic dashboard generation, which streamlines the process of creating graphs and charts. By leveraging the contents of the file cabinet, Feith’s Dashboard iQ now intelligently analyzes the data within documents, extracting relevant information, and generating dynamic visual representations. This feature eliminates the manual effort previously required to input and organize data, saving valuable time and resources.

CUI Module supports your privacy program and makes sensitive data tamper-proof
The Feith platform’s CUI module provides secure storage for highly sensitive data with tamper-proof, auditable features. This module utilizes rule-based tools to identify Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in records. Users can act to control, redact, or destroy sensitive information. Additionally, it identifies records containing GDPR, CCPA, and HIPAA relevant data, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

The Feith Platform is now available on more major cloud providers
Feith’s reach has expanded significantly. This year Feith can tackle not only On-Premises and AWS Commercial & GovCloud but is also available on Microsoft Azure for Government, Oracle Cloud, USDA DISC, and more. The list of supported cloud platforms continues to grow, promising even more options for Feith users in the future.

Feith Systems ramps up for FedRAMP Certification
Feith is actively pursuing its FedRAMP certification, a significant milestone in its commitment to providing secure and trusted solutions for the US Federal Government. FedRAMP certification involves rigorous evaluation of the platform’s security controls, risk management processes, and compliance with federal standards. By undergoing this certification process, Feith aims to demonstrate its dedication to data protection, confidentiality, and integrity.

Defense Commissary Agency’s rollout of Feith RMA IQ receives prestigious DoD CIO Award



Pentagon leadership has awarded the Defense Commissary Agency with the prestigious DoD CIO Award for their world-wide rollout of the Feith Systems electronic records management platform, RMA IQ.

The DoD CIO Awards Program recognizes outstanding achievements in Digital Modernization from across the Department of Defense.

“The recipients of this award have demonstrated how technology truly enables our nation to perform critical missions despite the COVID-19 global pandemic,” said the Honorable Dana Deasy, Chief Information Officer of the DoD, introducing the awards.

This year the DoD CIO leadership selected Feith customer DeCA as the winner of the Electronic Records Management modernization award.

A team of eighteen from the Defense Commissary Agency were recognized at the Pentagon for their successful rollout of the Feith ERM platform.

Describing DeCA’s successful project, Mr. Deasy celebrated the agency’s “successful transition to electronic records with a fully integrated, fully automated, and cost savings records management solution that fosters rapid information sharing across the Defense Commissary Agency.”

Director of DeCA’s IT Management and Oversight directorate, Neville Gallimore, celebrated the win with the directorate, “It took a team effort from multiple functional areas and the IT Group to achieve one of the core pillars of our congressionally mandated IT modernization goals.”

“We are extremely proud of DeCA’s accomplishment winning this well-deserved award, especially during the COVID outbreak when IT Modernization was so critically important. We couldn’t be prouder to have been a part of it. We’re continuing our important work ensuring agencies are compliant with M-19-21 and becoming the standard for Federal Electronic Records Management.” said Daniel Feith, Executive Vice President of Feith Systems.

You can watch the presentation of the award here:

Feith for Chat Records

NARA-Compliant Messaging

Instant messaging has become a major form of business communication. Chat programs are a great way for people to collaborate at a distance, but they have some drawbacks. One challenge is that chat programs lack archiving, records retention and compliance features. Many companies and government agencies are mandated to capture and store all communications regardless of their format in a secure and compliant manner. Companies with tens of thousands of employees send millions of messages every day. Finding a specific message is borderline impossible without the right tools.

Feith gives you the means to safely record and archive messages in their entirety

  • Capture messages automatically from many messaging platforms
  • Store and view chats and their metadata as conversations 
  • Keep messages and other electronic records in a single repository 
  • Set Retention Policies to delete stored messages 
  • Export from the Feith archive in shareable formats 
  • Create cases for internal review
  • Flag content based on keyword – get alerted when conversations need to be reviewed and escalated 
  • Create legal holds or record packages with a single click 
  • Archive all conversations in a secure repository 
  • Encrypt messages while in transit and at rest 
  • Search by message type, person or phrase with fast results

Capture and Archive from Multiple Platforms

With Feith’s DoD certified archive, messages are captured directly from the source in their conversational context.  Everything is ingested including log-ins, log-outs, edits, deletes, and replies, and stored exactly the way they were made. Conversations can be recorded from a variety of communication platforms; Microsoft Teams, Yammer, SharePoint, OneDrive, Skype, Zoom, Slack, Jabber, Blackberry, and more.  Feith captures and archives millions of messages daily, helping businesses of any size.  


Organize records for easy retrieval  

The Records Manager uses Feith to create and execute classification schemes.  Their efforts, combined with the right tools, put structure to the company or agency’s records and saves time on retrieval.  Archived messages can be found by looking for what the message says, who sent it, or when it was sent.    


Keep track of messages through their entire lifecycle 

The Records Manager creates retention policies which control when messages get deleted.  The system watches the clock and notifies the Records Manager when the time comes to dispose of a conversation log. Once the Records Manager has given approval, the system will automatically delete the messages at the end of their lifecycle. 

End-to-End Compliance and Oversight Tools

Feith’s customizable internal panels, policies, and multi-tier review queues help a business to personalize their compliance experience.  Compliance officers can work together while collecting conversations into cases for internal review.  Feith alerts the compliance officers if a message needs to be reviewed and escalated.  With a single click, deletion will be suspended on a record or collection of records for legal holds.    


Flag and freeze inappropriate conduct  

Administrators are able to define workflow rules to send notifications.  Compliance specialists can create policies to automatically flag conversations based on keywords, enabling them to act on explicit or racially charged conduct before it becomes a legal liability.    



Back up and protect important messages  

With Feith, assurance options guarantee that all chat data is properly backed up in the event of a disaster.  Conversation logs are encrypted both in-transit and at rest. Once captured, they are stored in a DoD 5015.02 certified archive.  Chats can always be found and exported for public records requests.   


Fast, Advanced Text Search and Retrieval

Not only does Feith allow you to record, archive, and dispose of records; it also assists in using, finding, and analyzing stored records.  Feith’s Automatic indexing adds structure  tomassive volumes of message logs by capturing and organizing conversation metadata. Once captured, that metadata and the message contents can be searched to pinpoint a conversation or range of conversations. 



Search tools for every department 

The Records Manager has the option to filter by person, message type, and phrase. They can also save time on eDiscovery by looking in a single repository that centralizes the company or agency’s electronic records. When searching for information, teams can gather every piece of relevant data, including chats and messages, emails, documents, and much more 


Narrow results down to the letter 

Feith’s advanced search tools can instantly spot keywords or key phrases, and even find near-matches and spelling errors. Search results are lightning-fast, and favorite search criteria can be bookmarked for later.  


Seamlessly find and export messages 

Discovery policies can also be made to detect keywords and key phrases. Captured messaging content is presented in its entirety in a natural, easy to read conversational format. Metadata is captured along with chat logs for discovery and retrieval. If chats are captured to the Feith archive they can be accessed and exported instantly, and in whatever file format is needed.  

Feith gives businesses the tools to master their chat records

Feith has the tools to manage your organization’s mountain of messages.  With Feith, a business can record and store conversations in an easy-to-read, easy-to-find format. Once archived, all messages can be searched and controlled with the same tools used to meet your electronic document and records compliance goals.  Feith lets you bring enterprise-grade Records Management to chat 


VIDEO: The Path to an Electronic Records Management Solution

Bimonthly Records and Information Discussion Group
Dedicated to the Improvement of Federal Records Management

The Path to an Electronic Records Management Solution Susan Little, CIO, US Access Board