NEW: Feith's RMA iQ is now available SaaS to Federal agencies, In-Process on the FedRAMP Marketplace!

Feith | About Us – Who We Are

The Leading Provider of Federal Records Management Software

We develop security-first software solutions that help our customers manage their data and content more efficiently. Our solutions are used by government agencies, corporations, and educational institutions around the world.

Years and Counting
Federal Customers
0 +
ATOs Achieved
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Our Leadership

At Feith Systems and Software, our leadership team is focused on delivering top-tier innovation and security. With a strong background in technology, compliance, and government services, our leaders are dedicated to maintaining high standards and serving the government sector.

Don Feith

CEO, Founder

Since founding Feith Systems in 1979, Don has guided the company from its origins in electronics to a leader in secure information management for the federal government. His vision led to the creation of the Feith Document Database in 1988, revolutionizing document archival for electronic documents, and setting a precedent for the company’s future innovations tailored to federal needs.

Don’s life as an IFR-rated pilot, sailor, scuba diver, and cyclist mirrors his professional innovation. From building a cyclotron in high school to crafting a radio telescope at MIT, his passion for exploration and technology underpins Feith Systems’ success in delivering secure, cutting-edge solutions to federal agencies.

Daniel Feith


Daniel leads the company  in delivering advanced modernization solutions to the federal government. With an MBA from UCLA Anderson, he has positioned Feith as a key player in secure and regulated records and data management. His focus on digital transformation and transparency aligns closely with federal needs, driving agency efficiency and accountability.

Daniel is a prominent figure at government technology events, delivering keynotes and leading impactful digital projects. His efforts in educating officials through workshops further demonstrate his commitment to improving government operations with innovative, secure services.

Core values

Software comes First

We are passionate about making truly excellent software. We've made it our life's work. It's not always easy, but things worth doing rarely are.

Stay curious

Inquisitive thinking drives us. We believe in the inspiring and transformative power of curiosity to guide our product, technology, relationships, and business.

Your mission = our mission

It's a simple but powerful idea when pursued in earnest: your goals drive our development. We work closely with customers to ensure that our products, services, and the expertise we seek out align with your needs.

do the right thing

We believe that honesty, integrity and kindness in our relationships with our customers, employees, and community is the best possible growth strategy.

Our company

Feith Systems and Software is located in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA. As a proudly privately-owned small business, we are deeply committed to maintaining the highest standards of security, integrity, and professionalism in everything we do. We serve over 60 Federal, DoD, and Intelligence customers, delivering on contracts such as GSA MAS and NASA SEWP.

Our offerings are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients, including Records and Document Management, Workflow/Business Process Management (BPM), FOIA services, Case/Task Management, Declassification Review, and Consulting Services.

Focused on the US Federal Government

Feith Systems and Software is committed to the government sector, meeting stringent security and compliance standards including DoDM 8180.01, NIST 800-171, and DISA/JITC certifications. We are listed on the FedRAMP Marketplace and maintain over 30 ATOs for solutions up to IL6 and specialize in government cloud environments like AWS Top Secret C2S.

Our security strategy includes rigorous audits, penetration testing, and advanced anti-tamper technologies such as encryption and hashing. With Multilevel Security (MLS), we align with government classification standards, ensuring data integrity through FIPS 140-2/140-3, AES 256, and support for CAC/PIV, MFA, and biometrics, protecting against external threats.

Beyond product and service excellence, Feith Systems and Software prides itself on offering comprehensive training and round-the-clock support, ensuring our clients have the resources and assistance they require at all times. Our proactive approach to disaster recovery and continuous improvement equips us to navigate the dynamic challenges of the government landscape.

What does all of this mean for our customers? Results. Everything we do at Feith is aimed at achieving measurable outcomes for federal agencies. This commitment was highlighted in a 2023 National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) audit of the Library of Congress (LOC), a client that relies on our electronic records management system and services. The audit praised the LOC for maintaining a “sound records management program” and awarded them passing scores across all assessment categories. We extend this same promise of process automation and audit readiness to all our customers.

As we advance, Feith Systems and Software is resolute in its mission to redefine the parameters of technological possibility, ensuring the security of critical national information and bolstering the objectives of our distinguished government clients. We invite you to join us in this mission, as we continue to champion excellence, security, and innovation in every endeavor.


Dedicated to Supporting Our Nation

Feith Systems received the 2023 HIRE Vets Platinum Medallion from the U.S. Department of Labor, recognizing our efforts to employ and support veterans.

Our team is skilled and dedicated, serving the complex requirements of our Federal, DoD, and Intelligence Community clients. All team members are based in the U.S., with 63% holding Secret or higher clearances, allowing us to handle sensitive projects securely and effectively.

Ensure agency information
is secure and compliant

Protect our National interests with
the Feith Platform.