NEW: Feith's RMA iQ is now available SaaS to Federal agencies, In-Process on the FedRAMP Marketplace!

Energy & Nuclear

Feith’s offerings for energy sector focus on boosting operational efficiency, achieving regulatory compliance, enhancing data security, and enabling smooth data integration. 

Designed with the industry’s unique challenges in mind, our solutions assists organizations in adjusting to variable market conditions, handling regulatory obligations, and protecting vital infrastructure from emerging cyber threats.

Meet Change Head-On

As the landscape for the energy and utilities industry rapidly evolves, organizations are confronting a myriad of challenges that demand robust and adaptive solutions. Feith is at the forefront of addressing these issues.

Data Overload

With the ever-increasing volume of data due to stringent retention policies, energy companies require sophisticated management strategies.

Feith scales to accommodate hundreds of millions of documents and provides clear insights into the whereabouts of both physical and digital data.

Legacy Systems

In our experience working with energy agencies, records are often dispersed across many outdated systems, complicating compliance, access, and security.
We offer advanced tools that make it easy to move to a single, centralized records management system. This way, all your old systems come together, making your data easier to access, more secure, and fully compliant.


Effective records management necessitates a synergistic approach involving IT, legal, and records departments.

Feith’s integrated platform contains collaboration tools to  align departmental goals, streamline processes, and foster communication between records managers and professionals in other departments

Archive Documents Long-Term

In the energy and utilities sector, retention requirements surpass those of any other industry, necessitating a reliable solution for long-term data preservation and retrieval.

With some of the most extensive retention periods in the corporate world, energy companies face unique challenges in maintaining and accessing vast archives of information over extended durations.

Feith stands out as the optimal long-term archiving solution tailored for the energy and utilities industry’s unique needs. Our platform is designed to support the longest retention demands, ensuring that your files are not only stored securely but also remain readily accessible for future retrieval, no matter how far down the line.

Key Features of Feith’s Long-Term Archive:

  • Extended Data Lifecycle Management: Feith supports the extended lifecycle management of records, from creation to eventual disposition, in compliance with industry-specific retention schedules.

  • Efficient Retrieval: Despite the lengthy retention periods, Feith ensures that your archived data remains easily retrievable, facilitating swift access to historical records whenever needed.

  • Scalable Architecture: As your data grows, Feith’s scalable solution accommodates expanding archives without compromising performance or accessibility.

Maintain Compliance with Regulations

Over the past century, the evolution of document storage and filing practices has introduced significant challenges in maintaining an efficient document retrieval system within the energy sector. The complexities of modern systems often lead to prolonged search times, user frustration, and the risk of misplaced documents. In an industry where documentation is pivotal for operational continuity, these inefficiencies are more than mere inconveniences—they pose substantial risks to compliance and security.

Regulatory Compliance and Data Protection: Utilities and power companies operate under a stringent regulatory framework, necessitating meticulous documentation management to comply with numerous mandates and regulations. The imperative to safeguard sensitive data is heightened by intensified U.S. government security requirements, recognizing utility and power infrastructure as critical yet vulnerable assets. Feith’s solutions ensure that essential documents such as SOPs, procedures, audit responses, operating manuals, and training records are managed with utmost integrity, aligning with standards and regulations including:

  • 40 CFR Parts 123, 131, 401, 425-471
  • 49 CFR Parts 192.603 and 192.605
  • Energy Policy Act
  • Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
  • North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)
  • State Department of Public Utility Control

Automate Time-Consuming Processes

In the energy and utility sectors, your competitive advantage is linked to your ability to enhance and streamline business processes.
  • Workflow Automation with Workflow iQ: Elevate operational efficiency by automating complex manual processes, utilizing Feith’s Workflow iQ to streamline and optimize workflows tailored to the unique needs of the energy and utility industries.

  • Insightful Decision-Making with Dashboard iQ: Achieve operational excellence by leveraging Dashboard iQ for real-time insights and analytics, enabling informed, strategic decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of both automated and manual processes.

Protect Critical Infrastructure With Feith

According to S&P Global, the energy sector stands as the prime target for hackers, with utility commodities accounting for one-third of all cyber incidents recorded since 2017.

  • Advanced Encryption: Feith secures critical data with advanced encryption, protecting information both in transit and at rest, ensuring unauthorized parties cannot access sensitive data.

  • Integration with Security Systems: Feith seamlessly interfaces with IDS and SIEM systems, enhancing threat detection and response capabilities to safeguard critical infrastructure.

  • Comprehensive Access Control: Implementing both RBAC and ABAC, Feith provides nuanced access management, ensuring users access only the data and systems their roles and attributes permit, thus bolstering data security and compliance.

Connect Siloed Systems

Feith’s platform integrates seamlessly with key systems like SCADA, GIS, and asset management platforms in the utility sector, ensuring interconnected, consistent, and accessible critical information to support operational and strategic needs.
  • Comprehensive System Connectivity: In Feith, integration is facilitated through API (Application Programming Interface) technology, which allows for real-time data exchange and synchronization across systems. The platform can pull and push data to and from these systems, ensuring that updates made in one system are immediately reflected in others. This integration supports a unified view of operations, enhances decision-making, and improves response times by providing consistent and updated data across all platforms.

  • Data Harmonization and Standardization: To ensure data consistency and accessibility, Feith’s platform includes a comprehensive data harmonization module. This feature standardizes data formats, terminologies, and structures across different systems, such as SCADA and GIS, making it easier to manage and analyze information. It automatically converts incoming data into a unified format, aligns disparate data fields, and resolves inconsistencies. This process not only enhances the reliability of the data but also ensures that information stored and accessed across various platforms is uniform, reducing errors and simplifying compliance with industry standards.

  • Improved Access: By consolidating all data into one central repository, Feith enables easy access and retrieval of information. This centralized approach eliminates the need to navigate multiple systems and interfaces, thereby streamlining the search and retrieval process. Users can quickly locate specific data through advanced search features, which include filters based on metadata, content type, and date range.

Ensure agency information
is secure and compliant

Protect our National interests with
the Feith Platform.