Moving away from your Legacy ECM

Moving away from your Legacy ECM

Organizations can’t afford to treat security or compliance as an afterthought.

Between cyber-attacks costing companies billions of dollars, GDPR fines of up to 4% of global revenue, and new aggressive data regulations coming every day – both companies and government agencies are getting serious about how they store their data and documents.

Organizations also can’t afford to use Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems that treat security and compliance as an afterthought.  

It’s no surprise then that organizations everywhere are looking to ditch their legacy ECMs, with the goal of finding a modern, secure, and compliant alternative.

The Tried and True Alternative

Feith is an Enterprise Content Management system that got its start selling to the DoD and US Intelligence Community. 

Since then, it’s obtained broad appeal across the Fortune 500, Universities and Civilian Government.  Why?  The answer is simple – it’s the only ECM that took Compliance and Security seriously from the start.

While other companies are scrambling to bolt Records Management features onto their software (and paying Gartner to call them leaders for it), Feith was built for secure Records Management from the start. 

In fact, Feith was the very first company to achieve perpetual certification on the Department of Defense’s Records Management standard back in 2007.  Since then, Feith has been the major thought-leader in complaint and secure Electronic Content Management.

What does all this mean to you?

It means the most advanced Records Management-enabled system on the market. A system that was designed to scale – comfortable working with hundreds of thousands of users. 

It means a system that builds Role Based Access Controls (RBAC) and Attribute Based Access Controls (ABAC) down into the foundations of the platform.  Software that has been penetration tested by the nation’s best, over and over again. 

Automatic document classifications, redactions, and PII-detection. Fully integrated workflow.  Modern APIs. And it means that, unlike most of our competitors, we’ve never given our source code to foreign governments, and never will. 



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