Case Study: Big county Using Feith’s Physical Records

Problem: One of the most Populous Counties in the U.S.  needed a better system for managing their records

Members of this county perform essential administrative functions such as registering voters, supervising elections, keeping records, providing police protection, and administrating health and welfare services. Storing and managing their boxed records consumes much of their time, however, and the paperwork continues to pile up. Not only is it their job to maintain hundreds of documents, but they must also keep track of these files. It’s an enormous amount of paperwork to support.

Although they had a system in place for managing these records, they experienced several problems with it. First, their existing system didn’t provide them with enough user licenses. Agencies outside of their county had to fill out a paper form whenever they needed to check out a box. Another problem they encountered was with destroying boxes. They kept retention schedules based on the contents of the boxes, but it was a tedious and manual process of sorting through and finding the correct files. 

A third problem arose from how they were tracking records and communicating with agencies. This county was sending spreadsheets through email to monitor and communicate this crucial information. However, this method required them to reenter new data into their online database. With email communication, it sometimes took a long time to hear back from agencies too. A final problem they encountered was with the high cost. Their inflexible record management software didn’t perform up to their standards. Ultimately, this county decided that to improve their workflow they needed new software that could solve these challenges.

Feith’s Solution:  The Project

The first step began with a discovery phase. The Feith team wrote up a functional solution design document (FSD) that listed any configurations or changes that were going to be made. Next, to better understand the workflow and logistics needed for uploading 45,000 boxes of records, the Feith team arranged for an in-person meeting at the client’s location. Once on-site, they spoke with end users and then developed a solution to meet the client’s exact specifications.

With Feith’s software, this client will receive better record management, improved reporting, and greater transparency. For example, their communication with outside agencies can now occur through a simple workflow instead of through email. And all their conversation will be in a single location which means they won’t have to search through a cluttered email inbox to see if they received an approval message. Dashboards will give them increased insights into their data. From a glance, they’ll be able to determine which boxes need approval and which need destruction. Moreover, when they’re ready, they can streamline their workflow even further with Feith’s electronic record management solution.


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