SAP Integration

SAP Certification

The Feith Document Database is certified by SAP to work with the SAP ERP Central Component (formerly R/3) application system via the FDD 

Connector. The FDD Connector is the interface between FDD and SAP ERP that allows the two systems to operate together seamlessly and is designed to work with the SAP ERP application system for document management functions.

Feith’s certification means FDD products are preferred solutions for customers using SAP ERP applications. Feith’s software has been certified to integrate seamlessly with SAP, providing Feith clients the ability connect technologies on a single platform enterprise-wide. This is the third time Feith has been certified by SAP, an every-three-year requirement.

Benefits of Using FDD with SAP Applications

Benefits of the partnership for users include immediate archiving, retrieving, deleting, and printing of documents while accessing SAP applications, ensured investment protection, and cost reductions and productivity gains from improved document management.

  • Immediate archiving, retrieving, scanning, deleting, online check-in status of documents and printing of images while accessing SAP applications.
  • Optical disk storage of images, and Windows’ objects.

Additional Advantages for SAP Users

  • Easy growth to meet expanding company needs.
  • Cost reductions and productivity gains from better document management.
  • Ensured investment protection through use of industry-standard hardware and software.
  • Support of various Microsoft Windows’ clients, computer platforms and peripheral devices (such as scanners, printers and optical jukeboxes)


When an SAP user wants to archive a file (e.g., SAP print lists, spreadsheets, email, word processing, etc.), the user issues the archiving command from the SAP application server, which in turn sends the request and file name to the FDD Connector through a communication link.

The FDD Connector retrieves the file and indexes it into FDD, where it is archived in an optical server.

When the SAP user needs to retrieve the file, a request is sent to the FDD Connector and the file is retrieved from FDD.


When an SAP user batch scans bar-coded paper documents using Feith VIP (Volume Image Processing), the imaged documents are automatically indexed and sent to a temporary bin in FDD.

The FDD Connector bar code processor sweeps the documents out of the bin and into a permanent FDD file cabinet.

Simultaneously, the FDD Connector sends the unique identifier for each document to the SAP application server to create a permanent reference to the document.

Your Feith Advantage

To SAP customers considering installing document imaging and management technologies for their enterprises, the SAP certified FDD Connector is an ideal solution from Feith. This certification, combined with Feith’s unmatched levels of customer service and personalized attention, makes Feith an attractive option to your company or organization seeking the benefits of imaging and document management.